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Broken Mirrors: Fact or Folklore?

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

three broken mirrors

Have you been hearing since childhood that breaking mirrors is unlucky or that it brings 7 years of bad luck as well? Curious to know the reason behind this? Keep reading, we’ll make it worth your while!

Significance of Mirrors in Hindu Culture Since ancient cultures mirrors have always held a very important place not only in the household but also deeply rooted in Hindu culture. Breaking a mirror can often be identified as bad luck. Mirrors are not just surfaces that are reflective but it is also believed to reflect our energies as well. According to Vastu Shastra, the placement of mirrors in houses can attract wealth, and happiness and ward off negative forces.

broken mirrors fact or folklore

Remedies and Rituals:

To counteract the bad omen associated with a broken mirror, several traditions are followed:

Immediate Disposal: One should carefully collect all the pieces of broken mirror and get rid of them quickly so as not to spread negative energy around the house.

Purification: Cleanse space from any negativity by performing rituals like sprinkling holy water or lighting incense.

Offering Prayers: Seek blessings from household deities through prayers to neutralize possible negative effects.

Avoiding Direct Disposal in Garbage: Instead of throwing away broken glass directly into the garbage, some suggest burying it to ward off evil spirits.

Modern Perspectives: In Modern households, people might not believe in these, but irrespective of that it is still held in high regard. These practices have their roots set deeply in cultural and religious importance, and keeping these traditions alive shapes their daily life.

When it comes to Vastu Shastra and Hindu traditions, mirrors hold much more than simple reflections. They are believed to interact with the spiritual world thereby generating energy within a house. The cultural and spiritual value of mirrors has remained an important part of Hindu architecture and everyday activities be it through traditional cures or contemporary perspectives.

Did you know that Vastu Shastra not only influences the layout of your home but also the placement of objects? It can reveal a lot about your well-being and even help predict future harmony. We've got a blog that gives you some Vastu Tips for Protecting Your Almirah.

If you're curious to learn more about Vastu Shastra and how it can improve your well-being and bring harmony into your life, we have practical tips for protecting your almirah and enhancing your overall experience. Check out our website for comprehensive Vastu Shastra courses and personalized mentorship. Discover the secrets of Vastu Shastra through our insightful courses. Start your journey of understanding and transformation with us today!

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